Gorove Slade’s design solutions transform transportation infrastructure into seamless, efficient, and safe networks.
In our Site Access & Circulation services, we collaborate closely with project owners and design teams to integrate projects into the surrounding transportation networks. From selecting the best options for site access to detailing proposed driveways and non-auto accommodations, our experts ensure every aspect of access and circulation is thoroughly planned and executed. As projects evolve, our designers refine proposed driveways, transit linkages, and multi-modal infrastructure such that each element aligns with project objectives, regulatory requirements, and public safety.
Our commitment to innovative design extends to Active Transportation Design & Bicycle Facilities. We reduce dependency on automobiles, enhance overall health and well-being, and prioritize human-powered modes of transportation. By creating safe and accessible pathways, bike lanes, and pedestrian-friendly streetscapes, we empower communities to embrace active transportation. Our expertise includes assessing existing roadways and multi-modal infrastructure, designing cycle tracks and protected bike lanes, and developing pavement marking and signage plans to create well-connected networks.
When you partner with Gorove Slade, your project will benefit from decades of expertise and cutting-edge design solutions prioritizing sustainability, accessibility, and community well-being.

Site Access and
Creating an intuitive and efficient access and circulation system is essential when assembling conceptual plans. Gorove Slade can help identify ideal locations for vehicular access points, front doors for pedestrian access, bicycle, and transit connections, and other details to help ensure quality multi-modal access. Service access, emergency vehicle access, and loading dock design and planning can be additional components of a comprehensive review. Appropriate site access and circulation enhance safety and convenience, support local economic development, and improve the overall quality of life.
This is of particular importance for entitlement projects. Gorove Slade works with project owners and design teams to select the best options to integrate their project with the surrounding transportation network in line with local mobility goals.
Once a conceptual system is in place, Gorove Slade can help analyze and refine site circulation, help identify proper traffic and operational controls at access points, and design wayfinding to support site circulation, including signing and marking plans.
Active Transportation
Design & Bicycle Facilities
Active transportation design focuses on creating infrastructure and environments that encourage and prioritize human-powered modes of transportation, such as walking, cycling, and scootering. This approach aims to promote physical activity, reduce dependency on automobiles, enhance overall health, and reduce parking demand. Active transportation design typically involves creating safe and accessible pathways, bike lanes, pedestrian-friendly streetscapes, and amenities such as pedestrian crossings, bike racks, mobility corrals, and bicycle-sharing facilities.
By conducting a Bicycle System Adequacy test, Gorove Slade evaluates the existing conditions and Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress (BLTS) and completes a needs assessment. A Bicycle System Adequacy Review provides a quantitative analysis to inform future bicycle facility design. Our team can also design cycle tracks, protected bike lanes, and pavement marking plans as part of a broader active transportation strategy.
Whether preparing bicycle facilities for a corridor or a larger jurisdiction, we will review any bicycle master plans or existing routes to create well-connected networks. By integrating active transportation into urban planning initiatives, municipalities can improve mobility, reduce congestion, and make more livable and sustainable communities.
Traffic Signal
Design Plans
Gorove Slade works closely with state and local transportation agency staff in the initial traffic signal project planning phases to identify the critical design elements. Often, this includes identifying right of way or utility constraints, geometric layout requirements, pedestrian needs, identification of intended signal equipment and appropriate coordination with adjacent signals, appropriate pavement marking plans, and an overall traffic signal design network.
Six tasks constitute a typical work program for assessing and satisfying the traffic control needs of an intersection:
- Data Collection and Analysis- 24-hour daily traffic volumes, sight distance evaluation, and crash data at the intersection are collected, and a preliminary analysis is performed to guide design decisions for the intersection.
- Field Survey- The first step is acquiring a field survey and intersection design plan. Next, a right-of-way survey of the roadway and a topographic survey of the area of the proposed signalization will be conducted. Subsurface utility mapping is always performed in conjunction with the topographic survey.
- Traffic Signal Design- The design process proceeds in two phases: the preliminary and final plans. Preliminary signal plans show the traffic signal support system, location of signal heads, lane geometry, phasing diagram, crosswalks, pedestrian ramps, sidewalks/trails, ground-mounted and overhead-mounted traffic control signs, right-of-way lines, and existing and proposed utilities. Preliminary signal plan submission can be prepared in three to four weeks. Once the preliminary signal plan is approved (approval times vary greatly), we prepare a final signal plan showing all necessary vehicular detectors, conduit and cable runs, color sequence chart, initial timing chart, and all general notes (plan requirements vary per jurisdiction). Our final design submittal will be prepared approximately three (3) weeks from the approval date of the Preliminary Signal Plans.
- Pavement Marking & Signing Plan- A pavement marking and signing plan is often prepared to accompany the final signal design. This plan will identify existing, existing to be removed, and proposed lane markings and ground-mounted signage on the approaches to the signal. Typically, these plans extend to the beginning of approach turn lanes.
- Traffic Signal Timings- Once the final signal plan is approved, we will complete the final phase of the signal design process. The final submittal will incorporate signal timing analysis. A Synchro analysis is developed to show future signal timing at the proposed intersection. Certain jurisdictions require emergency vehicle preemption analysis to be performed as a part of this process.
- Construction Administration & Support- Our job is incomplete until the traffic signal is built, turned on, and accepted by the maintaining jurisdiction. Several issues may arise between plan acceptance and final inspection, including utility conflicts, changing standards, and contractor requests for information. Gorove Slade assists with plan revisions, construction document review, and support related to the implementation of the traffic signal.
Traffic Control Plans/
Maintenance of Traffic Plans
Traffic management within work areas is specified in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) which states: “The needs and control of all road users (motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians within the highway, or on private roads open to public travel…including persons with disabilities) per the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)…through a [temporary traffic control] zone shall be an essential part of highway construction, utility work, maintenance operations, and the management of traffic incidents.” The District of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland supplement the MUTCD with jurisdiction-specific work area protection manuals.
A well-planned temporary traffic management strategy brings with it a host of benefits valuable to any project:
- Streamlines project constructability through integrating the contractor’s needs with those of the traveling public.
- Decreases the likelihood of workplace injuries.
- Prevents project delays and shutdowns resulting from non-compliance.
- Promotes a positive image of your project by avoiding undue and inconvenient traffic delays, pedestrian detours, and blocked access to businesses.
As a jurisdictional requirement for all construction activities within the public right-of-way of The District of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland, a strategic and coordinated maintenance of traffic plan is essential for ensuring an efficient construction process, safe work zones, and efficient mobility. Gorove Slade’s regional transportation understanding allows us to provide project teams with the maintenance of traffic plans that move construction forward while minimizing impacts to the public.

Curbside Management
– Pavement Marking &
Signage Plans
Gorove Slade has completed hundreds of Curbside Management and Pavement Marking/Signing Plans for projects across the DMV. We work with local transportation parking, curbside, and safety teams to coordinate effective curbside uses and parking zones, create or maintain access to public transportation, and facilitate multimodal safety improvements around our projects.
Creating a typical Curbside Management and/or Pavement Marking and Signing plan typically involves four steps:
- Site Visit and Field Inventory: This task involves visiting the project location to inventory the existing signs, pavement markings, bike facilities, public transportation infrastructure, and safety features.
- Curbside Management-Pavement Marking and Signing Plan: Utilizing survey information and the results of the site visit, we will draft a plan that graphically portrays existing and proposed street layouts, required improvements to signs and pavement markings, updated curbside uses, applicable parking meter locations, and any required safety improvements. This plan also depicts adjacent existing pavement markings to show how the proposed improvements tie seamlessly into the surrounding streets.
- Agency Coordination and Plan Review: Once a draft plan is complete, it is submitted to local or state agencies for review. This step also includes revisions to the plan based on feedback from and coordination with local and state agencies.
- Plan Approval and Implementation: Once a plan is approved, we assist with coordination between contractors, agency inspectors, and vendors to help ensure that the plan is implemented correctly, and the improvements are effective.
Loading Design
Loading design refers to allocating and designing spaces for loading and unloading activities, typically for commercial vehicles such as delivery trucks and freight carriers. These loading areas are essential for facilitating the efficient movement of goods and services within urban areas, ensuring timely deliveries to businesses and residences. Through our loading design planning services, we help clients determine the recommended location, size, and accessibility of loading areas and establish regulations to manage loading activities and minimize conflicts with other modes of transportation, such as vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists.
Proper loading design is crucial for supporting the activity of projects, maintaining traffic flow, reducing congestion, and supporting economic activity in urban areas. Additionally, it significantly enhances all road users’ safety by minimizing the risk of accidents and conflicts in loading areas.

Vehicle Maneuvering Analysis
A high-quality Vehicle Maneuvering Analysis helps urban planners and engineers understand how vehicles navigate the built environment and identify potential conflicts or inefficiencies in traffic flow. This process involves evaluating the movement and interaction of vehicles within a given area, such as streets, intersections, and parking lots. It can also ensure that emergency vehicles, such as fire trucks or large rescue vehicles, can quickly and effectively access a site if needed.
By simulating various vehicle maneuvers, such as turning movements, lane changes, and parking maneuvers, planners can assess the effectiveness of road layouts and intersection designs, optimize traffic signal timings, and improve safety for all road users. Vehicle Maneuvering Analysis is crucial for designing transportation infrastructure that accommodates the needs of diverse users while maximizing efficiency and safety in urban environments.
Permitting Services
Gorove Slade is proud to offer various permitting services throughout the DMV. For small- and large-scale projects and everything in between, we are ready to assist with whatever permitting requirements your project needs. From Farmer’s Markets, dumpster placements, and utility installation up to full-scale building demolition and construction, our team has the expertise and connections to expedite permit approvals and keep your project moving forward. Public space occupancy, construction, and special event permits are just a few examples of our team’s vast experience working with developers and contractors throughout numerous jurisdictions.