One Loudoun

One Loudoun

Transforming Transportation Infrastructure for One Loudoun Description One Loudoun combines residential, retail, entertainment, office, and civic uses on a 360-acre property in Ashburn, Loudoun County. Since 2012, Gorove Slade has partnered with Miller and Smith,...
The Yards

The Yards

Transformative Waterfront Redevelopment in the District Description The Yards has transformed the historic Capital Riverfront neighborhood in Washington, DC, with the redevelopment of 42 acres of federal waterfront property with an overall program that consists of...
The Wharf / Southwest Waterfront

The Wharf / Southwest Waterfront

Multimodal Planning Brings Vibrancy and Sense ofPlace to the Southwest Waterfront Description The Wharf is a mixed-use project spanning several blocks along the Southwest Waterfront in the District of Columbia. The area includes offices, residential, retail, hotels,...
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