Lauren Snider

Lauren Snider

Lauren is a Senior Engineer in the Fairfax office, and her work is concentrated in Fairfax County and the surrounding towns and cities. She has experience with traffic engineering and transportation planning concepts, including transportation impact studies, traffic...
Ashley Orr

Ashley Orr

Ashley has nine years of experience working on transportation design, analysis, and planning projects and is based in the Washington, DC, office. After starting her career working on large-scale roadway design projects, Ashley has taken these experiences and...
Kayla Ord, PE, PTOE

Kayla Ord, PE, PTOE

Kayla has significant transportation planning and engineering experience, which includes traffic impact studies, traffic simulation, site access and circulation planning, parking studies, signal justification studies, and TDM planning. She is based in the Fairfax, VA...

Mary Lee, PE, PTOE

Mary joined Gorove Slade with 8 years of experience working on a wide range of traffic and transportation projects for private and public sector clients throughout the United States. She is experienced in completing transportation impact studies, interchange studies,...
Portia Lartey

Portia Lartey

Portia is based in the Fairfax office and graduated with a master’s degree in civil engineering. She primarily serves the Loudoun County market and does traffic impact analyses. Portia is an engineer in training and a current member of the Institute of Transportation...
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