Traffic & Transportation Studies
Studies include most types outlined in the Transportation Planning Handbook published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), to include:
- Traffic and Transportation Impact Studies
- Urban Area/Multi-modal (auto, pedestrian, bicycle, transit) Transportation Studies
- Corridor Studies
- Central Area and Major Activity Center Studies
- Traffic and Travel Volume Studies
- Roadway Capacity Studies
Generally, for these studies Gorove Slade:
- Collects and analyzes existing condition information related to the transportation/traffic characteristics of a project area
- Identifies current problems if any
- Forecasts future transportation/traffic demand on the area, based on background volume changes plus any demand changes caused specifically by the project under study
- Identifies future problems if any
- Develops solutions to mitigate those problems
- Makes recommendations as to a preferred solution
The firm has completed transportation studies for projects as small as single convenience stores to multi-million square foot mixed-used development projects.
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